
David Byrne 4/2/09

After shooting David Byrne at the Perth Zoo last week, I made this image into a wallpaper for a friend of mine. If you havent seen the Talking Heads film, STOP MAKING SENSE, you should.


Cruel Guards UK promo

Here are some of the new promo shots that will be used in the UK to promote the panics' Cruel Guards record. Note hand painted bkgds(!) these took a lot longer to paint then i expected, with the last coat going on on about 1hr before the band arrived, and only being barely touch dry when we took the photos, my camera still has red and yellow specks on it.


Light a light

Panther. Apple. Damian Panda. Antique Cane. Sunday afternoon.


Heat The Beat

Press shots for The Dirty Secrets' upcoming HEAT THE BEAT National tour.